
UAB ,,Šalteklis" designs, assembles and installs  water chillers of various capacity. We are adjusting our offers accordingly to our customers' needs, trying to figure out the most optimal solution. In our chillers we utilize "ReFreeX" refrigeration technology, which allows our clients to save up about 50% of power consumption adn up to 80% of refrigerant charge in the system, making it possible to reduce the maintenance costs. There is an option of combining chiller with external heat exchanger, in order to use condensation heat as means of heating tap water. BITZER tandem combressors are being used, providing us with easy cooling capacity control and simplifying the refrigeration circuit.

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Our patented "ReFreeX" refrigeration method which reduces refrigerant charge up to 80% and saves up to 50% electric power.We can proudly say that our mounted cold and bannana ripening rooms works perfect in more that 10 countires, and on the top of the list there are such countires like Indonezia, Africa, Turkmenistan and Malta..

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e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]

Management: +370 699 21592
Finance: +370 699 11897

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