
It is a widely known fact that fruit continue to breathe and consume oxygen even after being harvested (Kader et al., UC Davis site reference). The higher the rate of respiration, the more rapid is the rate of maturation and decay of fruit during postharvest stage. After cold temperature had been utilized as the only means of conserving fresh produce, it was discovered during the 19th century that the fruit can be preserved for even longer time under reduced oxygen conditions and reduced respiration rate. 

We offer our services in designing and installation of various cold rooms with ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) systems for fruit and vegetables.


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Our patented "ReFreeX" refrigeration method which reduces refrigerant charge up to 80% and saves up to 50% electric power.We can proudly say that our mounted cold and bannana ripening rooms works perfect in more that 10 countires, and on the top of the list there are such countires like Indonezia, Africa, Turkmenistan and Malta..

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